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A list of the top people building in public on Trending.
Creator of MarsX (uniting AI, NoCode, and Code), running 24 multiple SaaS projects in public and King of Directories
johnrush.meRuns the SaaS bootstrapper newsletter with behind-the-scenes from his journey to 7 figures
macmartine.comEntrepreneur, Teacher. Building the new Product Hunt.
www.thomas-sanlis.comFounder of Llama Life for ADHD Tasks & Routines. Co-host of the Weekly Build
www.theweeklybuild.comLocation independent CEO of Zenmaid. SaaS marketing enthusiast
www.theamaricandream.comCurrently building filmbot & learning ATProto in public. Believes in an open web. products while travelling around the world
leavemealone.comIndie founder of High Signal, bootstrapper news, interviews with founders and build in public updates
petecodes.gumroad.comMaking thousands of coloring pages and hundreds of dollars a week with colorbliss
ben.robertson.isBuilder & self-taught dev shipping in public, 10x web3 hackathon winner
www.kirstenpomales.comFounder of Internet Pipes. Pod host of A16z. Led Trends at The Hustle acquired by HubSpot.
stephsmith.ioAuthor and entrepreneur, sharing insights on audience-driven startups.
thebootstrappedfounder.comFounder of Nomad List and Remote OK, openly building bootstrapped startups.
levels.ioEducator and open-source contributor, building in public through workshops and courses.
kentcdodds.comOpen-source advocate, building in public and fostering inclusive communities.
www.eddiejaoude.ioFounder of Bannerbear, Clipcat and Roborabbit building SaaS in public.
www.zoosaas.comCo-founder of, sharing his journey building a podcasting platform.
justinjackson.caFounder of Gumroad, openly sharing company metrics and learnings.
sahillavingia.comFounder of, building tools for makers and sharing progress.
wip.coCommunity builder sharing her work and insights in public.
rosie.landFounder of Makerpad, sharing projects and journey in public.
bentossell.comFounder of Baremetrics and Cedar, sharing insights and experiences openly.
joshpigford.comFounder of Indie Hackers, promoting transparency among indie makers. and writer, sharing knowledge on marketing and startups.
julian.comJoin the Public Builders Directory
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